Interak Printing House - sustainability


Interak - UNGC Signatory

Partner of the UN Global Compact

Interak Printing House is the first one in Poland and one of the first ones in Europe to support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We want the UN Global Compact and its principles to be a part of our company’s strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.

Interak Printing House - sustainable goals

We support goals

In September 2015, more than 193 countries adopted a global development strategy until 2030 at the UN headquarters. During the summit, the document ‘Transforming our world: Agenda for Sustainable Development – 2030’ was adopted, which includes 17 climate, economic and social goals. These goals cannot be solved at the level of an individual or even a single country. All hands on board are needed to reach them. Businesses also must actively participate in the implementation of the Agenda.

Interak Printing House - sustainable development goal_energy

100% renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources are an important element of sustainable development, bringing measurable economic and ecological effects. The increase in usage of renewable energy contributes to saving natural resources as well as improving the state of the environment by reducing emissions to the environment and reducing the amount of waste generated. By joining UN Global Compact, Interak Printing House supports activities for corporate social responsibility and supporting sustainable development (SDG). Since May 2020, 100% of the energy used in the company comes exclusively from renewable sources. As part of the EKO Premium Tauron product, we buy ecological electricity, which is 100% produced from renewable energy sources, i.e. from hydroelectric power plants and wind farms. The origin has been guaranteed and confirmed by the Polish Society for Energy Certification (PTCE). Thus, our company achieves Goal 7 of UN Global Compact’s sustainable development: AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY.